OUR THEATER TROUPE: Major Impact Theater has a Major Impact on its actors; improving their speech, memory, self-esteem, social skills, job searching abilities, identity and confidence. Our actors are encouraged to go above and beyond perceived limitations, enhancing their lives in our community through Theater Arts.
Creative Director Shawnda Davis is experienced in working with adults with disabilities. She discovers and enhances actors’ talents, and structure the plays to showcase these talents. Shawnda is also experienced in writing and directing plays, making her uniquely qualified to create professional productions, providing actors the confidence to perform at their highest level. MIT actors then translate their new acting skills into real-world confidence.
One of the most heartwarming aspects of the troupe is seeing the surprised reaction of the audience as MIT actors perform their scenes with such confidence and professionalism. There is a ‘yes I can’ attitude that envelops everyone that is present. Because the performers are fearless, the audience comes to realize that it doesn’t matter what obstacles present themselves – with confidence, anything is attainable.
OUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GOALS: MIT has successfully produced 8 musical theater performances. MIT current produces 2 performances per year in May and November. Last season marked our 3rd performance produced in a professional theater venue, the Newhall Family Theatre for the Performing Arts (see link). http://newhallfamilytheatre.com/ This will be our “home” venue for the foreseeable future.
MIT seeks to expand ability to provide additional theater performances in a give season and increase the number of actors served. Through a grant from the City of Santa Clarita, MIT has added instrumentation as a staple of actor involvement and expression on stage. MIT has recently added an Actor Advisory Committee to the Board – giving the Actors a direct voice in recommending creative ideas. Actors will also have the opportunity to be involved in fundraising. MIT gets actors involved in script writing and production.
MIT’s long term plan includes the goal of obtaining our own rehearsal site. This would also allow MIT to increase the number of actors served.